Found—Space Is a health technology company that recreates home spaces to better serve health and wellbeing.
CEO Alex Tyson believes there is a part within all of us that wants to achieve better health, and that everyone who wants to can, no matter their current situation. Alex’s personal passion is to help people to take the action they need to live healthier and longer lives, and this passion lives in the DNA of his company. In 2021, Alex recognised that the company’s purpose was to ‘create a healthier world’. And that to reach its potential, iHealth Saunas needed to continue to evolve and shed all limiting beliefs to become all it could be. iHealth Saunas was reborn as Found—Space to make a global impact and inspire a movement of better health experienced in the spaces we inhabit and within ourselves.
Welcome to Found—Space. Welcome home.
Found—Space purpose is to create a healthier world.
Found—Space doesn’t just sell infrared saunas. Found—Space is creating empowering experiences to improve health, energy and life, supporting the physical, environmental and spiritual habits of people. Creating change can start in the home and impact the mind, the body and the heart.